Palibácsi Circle

Dormitory room: A418
Meeting time: Tuesday 20:00
Facebook: Palibacsi


Join our Facebook community

The circle has 20-25 active members and some old members. We throw a party every two weeks in Vásárhelyi Pál Domitory. Our parties always have a different theme, and we make ornaments or dress up according to that theme. We sometimes even put together a dance show. We have some excellent disc-jockeys, so there won’t be any complaints in the music department.

We can be identified by our purplish clothes, with a smiley on it. The color was picked so that if we spill some vodka-sour cherry, it wont be visible.

What do you need to do in order to join? You need to come to our meetings regularly, and you need to work on 6 of our parties, after that, the active members will vote whether or not you can join.

But so you see that it is not all work: we sometimes get up and go on a trip together, since this is essentially a friend group.

I hope i was able to give a feel for what it is like to be a member of Palibácsi, good luck with the university, and CHEERS!

Lipcsei Attila

Circle leader