Budapest University of Technology and Economics
The Faculty of Civil Engineering is the oldest faculty of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and can trace its history back to the University’s predecessor, the Institutum Geometricum, founded by Emperor Joseph II in 1782. Since then, thousands of engineers have graduated from this Faculty to work worldwide as educators, international researchers, and engineering project managers. The most essential service of the Faculty – education linked closely to research and engineering work – is reflected in the scientific activities of nearly 110 lecturers in 9 departments. They have contributed significantly to a professional, scientifically sound solution of diverse engineering problems.
The Budapest University of Technology and Economics has close relationships with Hungarian and foreign companies in the civil engineering fields, who are interested in the research and development of civil engineering structures and design methods. Out of the approximately 1200 students who study at this Faculty, 200 students from abroad participate in the English language program annually.
The BSc engineering program in English leads to a BSc degree in four years. Two specializations are offered: Structural Engineering and Infrastructure Engineering. Graduates from the BSc Specialization in Structural Engineering can design, construct, and organize the investments of mechanically, structurally, and technologically complex structures in close cooperation with architects as well as transportation and hydraulic specialists. These structures include bridges and underground passages for transportation networks; power stations, cooling towers, crane ways, transmission, and telecommunication line structures; warehouses, industrial plants, and multi-story buildings as well as hydraulic and water utility structures. Graduates from the BSc Specialization in Infrastructure Engineering can design and construct urban and regional infrastructure, such as roads, railways, water and wastewater utilities, hydraulic constructions, and organize engineering activities in these fields.
The Faculty offers an MSc programme in Structural Engineering with a duration of 1.5 years. The MSc programme has three specializations: Specialization in Numerical Modelling, Specialization in Structures, and Specialization in Geotechnics and Geology. Specialization in Numerical Modelling provides advanced knowledge of structural analysis using contemporary computer techniques, including the theoretical background of the methods. Specialization in Structures provides thorough knowledge in structural design, skills enabling to carry out independent project coordination and to execute special design, construction, and development procedures. The main goal of the Specialization in Geotechnics and Geology is to provide enhanced knowledge and skills in the field of engineering geology, geotechnics modelling, underground structures, and foundations. These specializations are useful for research-oriented students pursuing a doctoral degree in a PhD programme, as well as for the next generation of practicing leading engineers, who will solve special structural problems and innovate the construction procedures.
The doctoral school of the Faculty offers a 4-year PhD programme in Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences.
- Geodesy and Surveying
- Construction Materials and Technologies
- Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics
- Engineering Geology and Geotechnics
- Structural Engineering
- Structural Mechanics
- Highway and Railway Engineering
- Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering
- Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Education Committee

Kékesi Márton

Csapó Boglárka

Jeremcsuk Máté

Papp Bendegúz

Todoran-Ivácson Jácinta Margit

Domokos Edina

Bognár Gábor

Hajnal Csongor

Bara Anita

Varga Kitti

Baranyai Dóra Eszter