
Web page: whiteful.vpk.bme.hu
Dormitory room: A1007
Meeting time: Thursday 20:00
Monday 19:00 – 01:00

What is Whitefül? What everybody sees: we tap beer, we prepare the big room, we organize concerts, we clean up. But there are a lot more to this: Malvin cocktail’s secret recipe, what goes on on our meetings, where we hide our beer supply, if the fridge becomes empty. We also organize team-building weekends, where some of our older members usually show up. Our main show is on Monday. The bands usually give concerts once a semester. We have to make sure that each guest enjoys themselves.

The first things that comes to mind when you hear our name might be rock music, but we try to add more to our repertoire, like jazz, blues, folk, underground. Smaller- and bigger names might give shows at out parties.

If this all sounds good to you, then we await you on Monday in the big room of Vásárhelyi Pál Dormitory. If you want to be a candidate, then feel free to contact a member, or come to one of our meetings.

Barta Dávid